It has already been one year since the devastating earthquake happened in Haiti, the small nation in Caribbean island. This disaster once inspired an overwhelming response from the entertainment world. The stars have contributed so much to this ravaged country; but none has done greater job than the outstanding actor Sean Penn. The guy is more like a big hero by putting on his Tommy Hilfiger Clothes to support those suffering people in Haiti.
Penn has been voted as “Pop Easter’s Celebrity Humanitarian of 2010”, but the actor claimed he was not trying to earn loftier reputation but just out of pure concern of those people who are in need of help: “I don’t care what others think of me. I am doing what I should do by putting on my Tommy Hilfiger Jeans. It is Tommy Hilfiger Shirt which told me how to be a real man.”
Having spent most of his last year living in Haiti by serving as a volunteer to help people there, Penn often reported the recovery condition in that ravaged place via e-mail. “I want to tell the world that we have done great job in reconstruction of this suffering nation.” We can always catch Penn busy working on the site of destroyed ruins on his Tommy Hilfiger Polo Shirt and boots like a big hero.”
Earlier this month when he was discussing his work with “Us Weekly”, Penn said he wished to prepare more Tommy Hilfiger Sweater to spend more time in that island nation. “It is the first I find my life so meaningful since my heartbreaking divorce. I really enjoy every minute in Haiti for I could finally be a hero in my real life by putting on my Tommy Hilfiger Flip Flops.”